Just a snap of some recently thrifted items. vintage linens just like the ones my mom had as a girl, some diner mugs, and a nice pyrex casserole...I can never have too much Pyrex or Fire King!
Been feeling very blah lately, I think it's a side effect of an endless marathon of editing weddings and protrait sessions in front of the computer. As of right now, I see no light at the end of the tunnel, hoepfully that will change in another week.
So, can I live vicariously through you all? Do me a favor, get some fresh air for me and enjoy the fall! :)
I am sending you lots of fresh air, good thoughts, and happy feelings. Blah sucks I know how that is, but blogging always helps me I hope it will work for you also.
Thank you! I did get a few short opportunities to enjoy the fantastic weather.
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