I've actually had 3 people email me to ask why I have neglected my blog for a few...which totally surprised me in all honesty, lol! I had no idea people were checking here daily, I feel bad now! I have a really painful stress fracture in my left foot, and to top it off, my photography business is always the busiest in late July and August, and I've been shooting all of my portrait sessions on crutches...so not fun. To top it off, we've had a handful of personal troubles lately too, some of the financial nature, some of the life in general nature, but things are slowly turning around.
Anyway, I'll be back soon with some great photos of my middle child's birthday, as well as some updates and fun things in general. And since I can't post without leaving a photo, here's one of my favorites of Maxwell and his cake (he said it MUST be orange and covered in candy).
enjoy the weekend!!